Saturday, May 17, 2014

My life story in 300 words

The story of my life in 300-ish words

I was born and raised in Shakopee, MN.  I have a sister that is 23 months older than me and two younger half brothers and a younger half sister. I graduated high school in 2004, went to a state college for a year, I decided not to go back since I had no idea what I wanted to major in so I went to a technical school and got my AAS degree. I met Jordan, my husband, in January 2008 at a mutual friends house, that July we officially started dating, December 2008 he proposed and August 2009 we were married! I decided to pursue my dream to become a photographer shortly after we were married, I started classes, getting a mentor, and practicing.  In November 2010 we started our adventure of having a baby! I wasn't pregnant getting pregnant, or even ovulating, I was concerned I might have PCOS, since I know a few people in my family who have it. I was right, I have PCOS, which was making me not ovulate. I started to juice, and eat unprocessed foods. Fast forward to May 2012, and I found out I was pregnant! It was so surreal! January 3rd 2013, after 23 hours of labor Adeline was born. It was the best and most amazing experience. I went back to work after 10 weeks and worked one day, and decided to be a work at home mom. I work part time for my church and also have my own photography business. I feel like my 20's have been a lot of learning, and getting my life started. I turn 29 in September, and I plan to enter my 30's a hot, energized, full of joy, and organized wife and mom! :)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Public Speaking & Excellent Language Skills.

Public speaking & excellent language skills are talents I wish I had. I am a horrible speaker, publicly AND one on one. I mumble, talk soft, and I can never think of the correct words to use. I forget simple words like "that" or if I am thinking of something specific you can count on me NOT remembering what it is called. You can count on me forgetting the punch line to jokes, or ONLY remembering the punch line. I fidget, fumble and say stupid things. I rush and ramble. I am a mess when it comes to language.

One time at church we were trying to come up with an acronym for some values and I came up with PECKR.... yep.. before I could even think it, it came out of my mouth. Needless to say the discussion was closed and never brought up again after that. Um, embarrassing.

I couldn't think of the word "door" when telling a friend about our door. So I said "the swing-y thing that you walk in and out of" Then as my husband laughed at me (please laugh at me, it is a funny "quirk" about me, I encourage you to laugh and not think too deeply on my lack of talent with speech) I proceeded to say "well, its a good thing you didn't marry me for my goodness with words." OYE.

Oh yes, I am quite elegant with my words.

Part of me would love to get up and teach lessons to adults, bible lessons, photography lessons, etc. However, could you imagine? They would probably leave more confused then when they arrived. Haha!

I contemplate taking a college course on public speaking, or something similar. Now isn't the right time in my life, but it is definitely on my bucket list.

Please excuse the crappy quality of this hilarious picture of my daughter.