A year ago today I wrote
THIS post about my goals for 2012. I surprised myself by not writing down "to have a baby" because this was something we have/had been trying since 2011, but I figure I left it out because I felt it was out of my control. Well as you all know.. IT HAPPENED! Well I haven't had the baby yet, but I am about to "pop" :) 5 days away from my estimated due date!
I think I wrote great goals for 2012!
2012 goals:
- Continually grow and develop in my relationship with Christ
- Grow an even stronger bond with my husband (I am so excited about this! It is hard to describe, but I love him so much, and he is forever my husband and I am excited to just get to know and learn and grow in our marriage as we go into our 3rd year of marriage)
- Process and procedures and growing in my photography business!
- work on gaining more self confidence
- eat healthier
- get more organized!
Overall I think I did a good job with these goals. Of course with these goals there isn't an "end" to them, but I feel I really did work on them, and achieve them! I still want to work on each of these! But I know 2012 I made progress in each area and I love that! :)
I love growing in my relationship with Christ, and while I admit some days are better than others, weeks better than others, etc. I am growing and developing and striving for that better relationship.
I have never felt closer to my husband, so far each year of marriage has proven better than the last. I love him with all my heart, and I feel so blessed that he is my husband. This year I have really grown to appreciate all he has done for me. He truly has made my life better. And I really mean that. He "saved me" from a bad relationship I was in. He has made me realize that I can do whatever I want if I work for it. He has made my dreams come true, and does it joyfully. I have never met more of a selfless man. He has such a genuine and pure heart. I know our daughter will have her bar set high for her standards for men, because I am not sure anyone can beat her dad.
My photography business grew a lot this year! and I LOVE it! I can't wait to see what 2013 brings! I hope it can grow even more.. I have a hope that I can double again this year.
Self confidence- I will be working hard this year on that! I can't say I made much progress on that in 2012, pregnancy has really been tough on my self confidence in the physical aspect.
eating healthier- I did overall pretty good in 2012! I hope to improve more in 2013!
getting more organized- I definitely did that in 2012! A few things need more organization, and then it will be maintenance. :)
biggest news for 2012- and what kind of consumed my blog this year. :)