Friday, June 22, 2012

pregnancy and weight gain.. need advice!

I am super bummed! I was doing very well in the weight gaining department! Until the last 2 weeks!! Which considering I found out when I was 5 weeks really only means I did good for 4 weeks. but still I have gained a total of 5 lbs, since this morning!! Yesterday I had only gained 4 lbs and today I woke up and gained .8 lbs! I walked 3 miles yesterday, drank water and ate pretty dang healthy! I am scared! I also found STRETCHMARKS!! like 3 on each of my hips, one on my boob and one on my leg! I am freaking out a little bit. I have been lotioning almost daily. I was already overweight when I got pregnant and I was really hoping to not gain very much weight during this pregnancy.

Now don't get me wrong, I will take whatever abuse my body needs to take to have a healthy baby!! I am enjoying every second, but let me have this little freakout moment with no judging. please.

stretchmarks, I dont know if there is anything i can do besides drink water and lotion, which I am doing, and I will have to let that one go...


question 2: how much did you gain in the first trimester? Am I doomed? Is there anything that helped you in any stage during your pregnancy to keep your weight under control?

any advice will be greatly appreciated.


  1. I used olive oil every time I got out of shower got my first and am doing that again now. I don't have one stretch mark. Stop worrying about weight gain sounds like you are doing stuff right. most of it right now is bloat. That will go away soon. I am 18 weeks and a few days and have gained 17 lbs most of which I gained by week 14. Enjoy your pregnancy. You'll look back and regret it if you don't...

    1. oh Olive oil, I might have to try that! I did a little more research and I read that if you are going to get them, you cannot stop it, but putting on lotion and drinking water will lesson the appearance. Which is good to know. I just was shocked at HOW EARLY I am getting them!

      Oh I don't want this post to confuse people, I am and completely intend to continue enjoying my pregnancy thoroughly, I had a minor freak out when I got on the scale this morning to find stretch marks and weight gain, and was looking for what other people have done or what they do during pregnancy. I know that I am walking and eating healthy, so my weight gain there is nothing I can do about it. but I love hearing what others have done.

  2. Nothing I tried really helped the stretch marks during pregnancy. Good news, they faded and I got into the best shape of my life within a year of having my daughter. Just working out a couple times a week and going for a walk a couple times a week. I never even dieted, just made sure not to overeat too much and eat relatively healthy, as much as I could. I gain a lot of weight when pregnant... I got up to 200 by the end of my first pregnancy (starting weight 140) and am already up to 200 this pregnancy and I'm not even halfway through! I can't help it and the doctors don't really like it but some people just gain! This time around, I do what I can, but I'm not stressing, because I know I can and will lose it after!! Your first pregnancy is going to be filled with stress and worry but take it from a second-timer... Just try to relax and enjoy it! :)

    1. That is what I am hoping to do! Get into the best shape of my life! :) That excites me!

      Thank you that really does help! I have really come to terms that my body will do what my body will do, I just need to make sure I am giving my child proper nutrients and I need to make sure to walk. :)

  3. I don't know anything that will prevent them. Its genetics I think. I'm skinny and I have had stretch marks since I was 14. I do know ladies who lubed up till they were dripping wet and still ended up getting them. I do know that Bio Oil helps to fade them after. Sorry.

  4. Just make sure you and your doctor are talking about weight-gain, that way you know where you should be.
    Both of these things are pretty much out of your control during pregnancy. As long as your eating right & exercising your doing what's best for both of you and as far as stretch marks, I've also heard that Bio Oil helps fade them after. Just remember you'll be holding your baby right after the new year and every stretch mark, zit, spider vein, all the morning sickness, misshaped belly button, and everything else that can happen during pregnancy will be worth it! I know sometimes I can be hard, but keep thinking of all the positive your body is doing right now on the inside because everything else will be worth it :)
