Wednesday, May 11, 2011

offended... or not

I listen to Joyce Meyers, and I really enjoy her teachings! I think they are great! Once in a while she will talk about how we should not be so easily offended. I couldn't agree with her more! Her message really hit home to me, because I can easily be offended, I know people all around me are easily offended. I really think that we need to get a hold on our emotions. Who care if someone just gave you the stink eye, it is their problem not yours. If someone doesn't think your funny, don't get offended, its their problem, not yours. Don't make it your problem. Joyce also talks about how we aren't here to please people, we are here to please God. I love that.
One day I made popcorn at work and I burnt the popcorn, as I sat there testing some of the kernels out seeing if I could still eat it  two girls in the hallway start talking about this "awful smell" and very snottily say "someone burnt the popcorn" and some other negative things, that normally I would be totally offended and embarrassed and turn beat red, and probably want to go back to my desk and hide for a month (there was several other remarks from other co workers as well) but I thought about it and decided "you know what, I didn't burn that darn popcorn on purpose, I wanted to eat it, why should I feel bad because they are talking bad about me, and my accidental popcorn burning, so as they walked into the breakroom I said " I know I am super bummed I was really looking forward to eating it!" and moved on with my day,  through out the day my mind  would start thinking about it and I would stop myself in its tracks and say, "it doesn't matter, oops" and then force myself to think about something else.  It sounds ridiculous that I could get offended over people talking about me burning the popcorn, but its true! I am insecure about it. I am one who was easily offended, I am working on it! I will not be offended.


  1. That is the dumbest thing I have ever read.

  2. Just kidding....I'm testing you :)

    Your blog is so cute!

  3. Oh I love this post! I know this is something I need to work on too!

  4. I can get VERY easily offended. I'm not sure if that'll ever go away, I'm just an emotional person!

  5. I'm always easily offended... probably why I want to kill my boss on a daily basis.

  6. I get easily offended too often. I'm going to take your lead and try to let it go though.

    Marla @
