On Friday I weighed myself and lost 2 lbs! Since Tuesday! I was ecstatic! However, family came into town, and well I ate too much. I know I gained it all back, but I won't weigh myself until Tuesday to hopefully undo some damage...
I am still motivated, even after this bad weekend of over eating to lose weight. My goal is to lose 37 lbs for my 5th wedding anniversary! Wouldn't that be fun! :)
Tomorrow my plan is
Oatmeal & toast for breakfast
celery, carrot, potato soup for lunch
fish, rice and grean means for dinner
banana and strawberries and grapefruit for any snacks i need
Adeline just puked a few hours ago and then went to bed, but I am hoping she is feeling better tomorrow and we will have a fun day doing laundry, cleaning, eating healthy and doing photography and church work! :)
^ A girl can dream I will get all that done, right? :)
Sounds like you are doing great! Hope you reach your goals!